Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Where do we go from here?

In our previous photo group classes we have focused on some of the basic elements that are common to all good photographs...simplicity, composition and lighting. What we need now is the last important element and that is PRACTICE. If you're like me, you may have gone away from our group meetings with the best of intentions to try out all the great tips and tools, but somehow can't find the time to do so. As helpful as all the information we have been given is, it won't change a thing about how our photographs turn out unless we use it.

Learning photography, like learning any art or skill, means we have to learn a new language and how to think in a new way. We have been given many new terms, explanations, instructions and demonstrations. There is much to absorb and to be aware of as we create our art. It may seem overwhelming at first, but we will grow in confidence through practice and through supporting each other.

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